Et instruments à 3 pistons notés en clé de sol.
I. Foreword. II. Manner of holding the instrument. Mouthpiece and its location on the lips. III. Breath Control. Attacks, legatos, tied notes. III. Mechanism and tuning of the instrument. IV. Tablature and registers. V. Advices. FIRST PART 1. Preliminary exercises: Fingerings of E, F, D, medium G and low C. 2. First lesson: Exercices from low C to medium G. 3. Second lesson: Fingering of medium A. Various exercises. recreation: Ah! vous dirai-je, maman. (Oh! shall I tell you mamma). 4. Thirs lesson: Fingering of F# and Gb medium. Various exercices. Recreation. 5. Fourth leson: Fingering of B and Cb medium. Various exercices. Recreation: "The Work" (traditional song). 6. Fifth lesson: Fingering of medium C, various exercices. Recreation: "Small Bird" Beethoven. 7. Sixth lesson: Exercices of the low C to the medium C. Thirds, fourths, fifths. Recreation. 8. Seventh lesson: Fingerings of Ab = G#, Bb = A#, Eb = D#, Db = C#. Recapitulation of fingerings. 9. Eigth lesson: Articulations, legato staccatos, repeated notes. Legato, seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths. Detached notes. Summary. 11. Ninth lesson: Fingerings of the high Db = C#, low B, high D. Recreation: "The Fountain", by Joseph Haydn. 13. Tenth lesson: First exercise of preparation for the lips. Rhythms, Slurred passage. Recreation: Extract from Concertino N.º 1 by Julien Porret. 15. Eleventh lesson: Fingering of low Bb = A#. Second exercise of preparation for the lips. Rhythms arpeggios and scales. Recreation: "Urzo Churia" Basque song. 16. Twelfth lesson: Fingering of the high Eb = D#. Third exercise of preparation for the lips. Key of F major. Rhythms, arpeggios, scales, slurred passages. Recreation: "Cradle song" Franz Schubert. 18. Thirteenth lesson: Fingering of low A. Fourth exercise of preparation for the lips. Key of A minor. Rhythms, Preparation for scales of C major and A minor. Arpeggios, scales, legatos in C major and A minor. Recreation: "How I have a soft remembrance". 20. Fourteenth lesson: Fingering of higf E. Fifth exercise of preparation for the lips. Contrast of dynamics. Preparation to F major and D minor scales. Scales and arpeggios in F major, and D minor. Recreation: extract from Concertino N.º 3 by Julien Porret. 22. Fifteenth lesson: Sixth exercise of preparation for the lips Sustained notes, rhythms. Recreation: "The departure" Felix Mendelssohn. 24. Sixteenth lesson: Fingering of low Ab = G#, Seventh exercise of preparation for the lips. Articulations. Preparation for G major and E minor scales. Scales, arpeggios, slurred passages in G major and E minor. Summary. SECOND PART 26.Seventeenth lesson: Fingering of the high F. Eighth exercise of preparation for the lips. Sustained sounds, Attacks, slurred passages and detached notes. Rhythms, legatos, articulations. Recreation: Andante from Mozart. 28. Eighteenth lesson: Ninth exercise of preparation for the lips. Key of G minor. Attacks, detached notes. Preparation for Bb major and G minor scales. Scales, arpeggios, legatos in Bb and G minor. Preparation for trills. Arpeggios, chromatic scales. Recreation: Extract from Cocertino N.º 19 by Julien Porret. 30. Nineteenth lesson: Tenth exercise of prepation for the lips. Articulations, intervals, Attacks and contrasts of dynamics. Detached notes. Recreation: "The Trout" Franz Schubert. 33. Twentieth lesson: Fingering of the low G. Eleventh exercise of preparation for the lips. Spinning and tied sounds. Rhythms and articulations. Arpeggios and chromatic scales. Legatos and accents. Recreation: "In the sunshine" Robert Schumann. 37. Twenty-first lesson: Finfering of the high F# = Gb. Twelfth exercise of preparation for the lips. Preparation for D major and B minor scales. Scales, arpeggios, legatos in D major and B minor. Dificult fingerings. Legatos by the lips and artificial fingerings in use. Attacks and articulations. Summary. 40. Twenty-second lesson: Thirteenth exercise of preparation for the lips. Arpggios and tied notes. Rhythms and detached notes. Legatos, attacks, detached notes. Legatos on different fingerings. Recreation: Extract from Concertino n.º 4 by Julien Porret. 43. Twenty-third lesson: Fingering of the high G. Fourteenth exercise of preparation for the lips. Preparation for Eb major and C minor scales. Scales, arpeggios, legatos in Eb major and C minor. Legatos and artificial fingerings. Detached notes. Interpretation. First duet (preparation for Style). Recreation: Extract from the Third competition Solo by H. Maury. 48. Twenty-fourth lesson: Fifteenth exercise of preparation for the lips. Rhythms, lightness. Preparation for trills, scales and articulations. Sustained sounds and legatos. Interpretation, Second duet. Recreation: First Sketch by Julien Porret. 52. Twenty-fifth lesson: Sixteenth exercise of preparation for the lips. Attacks, detached notes. Difficult fingerings. Summary of scales and arpeggios: major and minor keys. Interpretation. Third duet. Summary of chromatic scales. Recreation: "Romance" Felix Mendelssohn.
Año edición: 
Lugar de edición: 
Trompeta. Corneta a pistones. Bugle. Bombardino.
Fecha de alta: 
Jueves, 15 Junio, 2000
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